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The Celestial Curse Page 5
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Page 5
“Pick up the cards and hold them out please while I cleanse them, then put them into the pouch and straight into the box.” She says.
I watch as she cleanses the cards, then I put them into the pouch and finally place them gently into the box. I pick up the box as we make our way to the kitchen.
“I’ve been keeping them in the safe under the picture, hanging above the coffee maker. They will stay in there until your next visit.” Aunt Betsy says at the same time she removes the picture from the wall and unlocks the safe, opening the door and steps back. I glance between her and the safe stunned into silence.
“You have a safe in your kitchen behind a picture that’s hanging above your coffee maker.” I say totally in awe of my cool aunt!
“Yes I have a safe in my kitchen behind a picture hanging above my coffee maker.” She laughs. “It’s the best place because nobody would ever suspect such an important safe being so small.” She says. I walk up to the safe and place the box inside. Aunt Betsy shuts the door and relocks it before placing the picture on top to conceal the safe and its contents hidden within. She turns to me before speaking.
“What are your plans now then?” She asks. I think it over for a moment.
“Well I have my final exams coming up so I have to study hard for those and hopefully I’ll pass. I also need to find a job for when university finishes since my part time job is only until the end of the semester.” I zone out as I think of how fast I can get a full time job and what vacancies I should start applying for. A couple of my professors have already started recommending applying now and telling potential employers what our expected grades will be.
I stay for dinner and we catch up on the usual stuff like family and what our daily activities have been. Aunt Betsy has recently taken to hiking at a nearby nature trail, which is good for her health. I have spoken to her before about getting a dog to keep her company but due to past commitments and a love of travelling, she always declined saying she liked travelling too much to give it up just yet, but that in the future she may consider getting a pet. Since she is not planning on travelling much anymore I decide to push the issue once again. After a lot of consideration (begging on my part) aunt Betsy agrees to get a rescue dog as she doesn’t want to be toilet training and ruined furniture that a pup would bring. As you can probably imagine, I am over the moon that I finally broke down this bull of a woman and got my own way. With a huge smile on my face right now, I practically bounce out the door and down the drive way to my car. Little did I realise Aunt Betsy had followed me to the door and was watching me with a bemused twist to her lips. Seeing she stood at the door, I wave before setting the key in the ignition and start the engine. I pull out the drive way and head home.
Chapter Six
What a week!
For those of you that don’t know, it is now August and this week is exam week and so is next week. The worst two weeks of my life! So much stress not just for me but everyone in their final year so you can imagine how many tempers have erupted at some point or another! I am to stay away from those that look ready to combust; unless it’s me then it is everyone else that needs to watch out!
I walk across campus to the library building to study for my next exam. I’ve already done three this week and this will be the last until Monday. I enter the library and find it pretty full with students all doing the same as me. The desks are all full of people with books so I decide I should start looking for jobs since my part time job at the university will be finishing next week. I spot a computer free near the end of the row, tucked into a nice quiet corner and quickly make my way over. I place my bags under the table and sit down in the chair. I turn on the monitor before going to the help desk for a username and password. I book the computer for the next hour and get to work revising for the exam I have this afternoon. I check the time of my exam through the timetable on the university Portal website for students. My next exam is at four o’clock so I have an hour and a half to revise. Time flies by and I find myself signing off just as quick as I signed on. I take my things and head to the exam room.
The room fills up quick so I hurry and choose a seat in the middle. As the remaining few students make it through the door the professor comes in last and closes the doors. He addresses the room, introducing himself to those that do not know him and gives out instructions, along with the exam papers. Although most of my course is made up of work experience and different projects, seventy-five percent to be honest, there is still a twenty-five percent that makes up the final grade. So even though I get to do some really cool projects and work with some exciting people in different settings, I still have to complete the written assignments too. When everyone has their exam papers the professor, Mr Turner starts the exam.
Exactly two hours and thirty minutes later, the exam is complete and I have checked through my answers twice! I wait until Mr Turner has collected all the papers and returns to the front of the room. After a short speech on when to expect our results he tells us we are free to go. I pack my stuff and head for the door. In the rush of students trying to get to the door first I drop my mobile phone on the floor. I back track to pick it up, except when I reach out, another more masculine hand gets there first. I look up into green eyes peeking through messy black hair and swoon inside as we stand up slowly watching each other.
“Here, I think this belongs to you.” He says and oh my, what a voice! All smooth and sensual like the best coffee syrup you ever tasted. It makes me look at his mouth and what a kissable mouth it is! I mumble thanks and continue to stare at him. He chuckles and I shiver, my breathing becomes irregular and after realising he is still watching me and probably thinks I am a total buffoon, my face flames as my traitorous cheeks flushes with embarrassing heat. Definitely not good for my health! Before I can make a complete fool of myself I make a hasty retreat through the door that is now free of students and walk as fast as I can to my apartment.
April is nowhere to be found when I get into the apartment so I look in the fridge for any left overs. Not finding anything to eat in there I notice some eggs, so I decide just have a fried egg sandwich. I make my sandwich and a cup of tea then make my way to the living area and sit on the couch. As a rule we do not normally eat in here because it can make a mess but I make sure that I am extra careful not to leave any crumbs as evidence of the sacred broken rule!
Tomorrow is Saturday and I have plans with Aunt Betsy. She wants to take me to a Holistic shop to get a crystal thingy and since university finished this week it means I am out of a job so no need to go to work tomorrow. I have found some places to apply to that will fulfil my monetary requirements until I can find a more suitable job. I set my alarm with a reminder while making my way to my bedroom to set up my laptop. No time like the present to send my CVs to the recruiters. Hopefully it won’t take long to receive a reply. For the next thirty minutes I send emails and complete applications. I already have most of my information typed up on my computer so all I have to do is copy and paste to the relevant boxes. I know it is cheating but it saves time and quiet honestly, who has the time these days to fill out multiples of these time consuming applications? Because I know I sure don’t and nobody I know does either. I decide I have done enough for today and get ready for bed. After my nightly routine I jump into my warm comfy bed and drift into a dream filled sleep.
I wake up at seven o’clock the next morning. Still another hour to go on my alarm but I decide I had better get up. If I go back to sleep now I will never get up on time to meet Aunt Betsy! I throw back the covers and drag myself out of bed. I hear movement from outside the doorway and head out to join April for breakfast. Making my way to the kitchen clad in only a vest and boy shorts you can imagine my surprise when I am confronted with not April, but a man in tiny little shorts of his own!
He hasn’t noticed me yet so I back pedal quickly into the hallway, but before making it through the doorway I sneak a peek at those buns and gorgeous tanned back! He turns slightly and I see
a tattoo starting on his shoulder and I am guessing, make it way around to the front. Always been a sucker a man with tattoos so all I can say is…Wow go April.
I make my way back to my room and begin to get ready. I take my time, hoping that Mr gorgeous tattoos, has either left or is at least fully dressed.
Again for the second time that morning I walk down the hallway and something catches my attention so I creep towards April’s door. Judging by the noises coming from behind that door I am guessing our mystery man has in fact not left yet, either that or April has a new super toy since it is not the door that is banging…
A knock at the front door has me rushing from April’s door to the front door. I look through the spy hole and what I see on the other side of the doorway has my heart stuttering in my chest. Caleb stands looking directly at the spy hole and seemingly straight into my eyes. I know that’s impossible but I’ve had weirder thoughts. I move back and lean against the wall. What could he possibly be doing here at my apartment? Is he here for April? That doesn’t sit well for me for some reason and I unclench my fists. Should I just ignore him, maybe he will go away?
“Amber I know you are there, I can hear you breathing so open the door please” He says. Does he have super hearing or something? He did say please I tell myself so I guess I should open the door. He leans against the door jamb while taking in my appearance starting with my black swade boots and black leggings. His eyes move up my legs to my jumper clad stomach, continuing over my breasts where he lingers a couple seconds more than polite. Moving on up to my flushed face and slightly parted lips. Again he stares longer at my mouth, at one point I thought I saw him lean in abit as though he was going to kiss me but when I blinked he had taken a step back. Breathing a little heavier than I should around this man, I take the initiative and ask him why he is here.
“Betsy asked me to pick you up and meet her at the Holistic centre, since she has an appointment this morning that she forgot about.” He replies. I see the twinkle in his blue eyes and my discomfort grows by the second.
“You don’t have a problem with me escorting you, do you Amber?” he says as he slowly stalks towards me.
“No.” I say breathlessly, as I stumble back further in the hallway and find myself up against a wall, with Caleb’s lips inches from my own. My eyes are glued to his parted lips and I know his blue eyes are burning holes into mine.
And just like best friends are supposed to rescue you from things you will most likely regret in the morning, April’s door flies open, making Caleb take a step back. As he steps back I look to April with glazed eyes, clad in a towel Mr Tattoos stood behind her looking amused, April takes a few steps towards me.
“You okay honey” she asks me, concern lacing her undertone in a way that only a friend would recognise. I look at her confused for a moment. I didn’t know how I felt at that very moment but it wasn’t a bad feeling. I look at her and smile.
“Yeah im fine, Aunt Betsy sent Caleb to pick me up so I’ll just grab my things.” I say while turning to Caleb, keeping my eyes down caste from his I tell him to wait there while I get my coat and bag.
“I’ll see you down in the lobby Amber.” He says. I nod and rush to my room, letting out a breath I hadn’t known I was holding. As I get to my room, April pushes me backwards and shuts the door.
“So that was Caleb. The guy you have been daydreaming about for the past couple of months. So what did I interrupt” She asks with a twinkle in her mischievous eyes.
I was just about to say she interrupted nothing between Caleb and me when I remembered that April had her own story to tell. I decide to answer her question with a question of my own.
“Who was that tasty piece of male flesh I saw in the kitchen this morning” I ask with a sly grin. She blushes and turns her attention to the carpet, while her foot started trying to dig its way through to the flooring beneath.
“Oh he is just a guy I have been working with while I was on work experience.” She says. Then she looks at me and her eyes light up again. Uh oh that doesn’t usually bode well for me.
“You know, you were not as sneaky as you though either this morning since he caught a glimpse of you’re behind jiggling out the doorway.” She laughs. Now it’s my turn to blush and look down at the carpet. I catch myself before my toe tries digging a way out this embarrassing conversation.
“Ah dam I thought I had gotten away without being seen.” I laugh. She laughs with me and shakes her head.
“So what really happened with Caleb?” she asks all serious faced now. I know I should tell her, she is my best friend after all but I cannot seem to bring myself to say out loud what almost happened with Caleb. I thought I had hidden my thoughts and feelings on Caleb every time we spoke about him but obviously April can read me just as well as I can read her. I am not entirely sure if that is a good thing or not since she has a tendency to get involved in my business involving guys.
“I would rather talk about it later if you don’t mind. I am still trying to figure out what happened myself. It was totally unexpected” I admit to her. April nods and looks at me with sympathy eyes. Great just what I need, pity for almost being kissed then making excuses not to talk about it. Like April said I have kinda been thinking a lot about Caleb since that time I met him at Aunt Betsy’s house a couple months ago. Time has flown by with being so busy with university and working so it still seems like only yesterday I met him. The way he looked leaning against the front door took my breath away. And I don’t think I’ve had it back since! Just as I seem to forget about the effect he has on me, he comes back and reminds me all over again. It’s like a no win situation.
“We can talk about them both tonight when it is just us two. That is if you are not staying out or have other plans?” I ask April.
“No I will be here. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” She laughs. I say ok and we head out. April to spend some alone time with her mystery man and I shall go torture myself being in close proximity to Caleb. He doesn’t know that I can see him out the corner of my eye most of the time, or that there is usually something reflective nearby that I can see him through when he looks at me. I hug April and she closes the door behind me, leaving me to my own personal hell.
Chapter Seven
After leaning against the door for a couple seconds I decide there is no point in delaying the car ride with Caleb, so I push off the wall and make my way to the lift. After what seems like the longest lift ride of my life, I meet Caleb in the lobby and not saying a word we make our way to his car. Since he was volunteered to be my driver today, I shall provide the snacks and drinks. I would have preferred to drive myself in my own car but I do not want to start any discussions at the moment. In the parking lot his black Jaguar XF is parked ahead of us and wow, what a car! I am a fan of style and comfort in a vehicle that I would probably spend a lot of time travelling in, but I would probably give away my entire collection of nail varnishes to own a car like that! And I do own a LOT of nail varnish.
Caleb laughs at me gaping at his car and opens the passenger car door for me. Surprised by this gentlemanly side of him I walk over and slide in. The leather against my hands is divine and when I sit back and sink into the seat my whole body looks like a spineless corpse. I let out a moan of satisfaction not realising how loud it was I blush when again Caleb laughs. Maybe just my imagination but his laugh sounded different somehow, like maybe it was being strangled and when I realise what it probably sounded like, the look on his face makes up for my embarrassment and has me laughing at how easily flustered he can get. Throwing a smirk my way he puts the key in the ignition and starts the car. Before long we are making our way out of the city centre and onto the high way. We haven’t spoken since entering the car, just sly glances here and there at each other. He switches on the radio to a popular station and opens the window. I watch the scenery as we drive by. An hour later, he pulls off the A1 (M) and turns onto the main road leading into Wetherby. The surrounding scenery is beautiful a
nd the small town has a lively quality to it. I watch the people go about their day as we drive past. Some of the younger men and teenagers stare at the car driving past. The males of our species are the same no matter where you go on the planet. If they see an awesome car they stop and gawk.
After a series of twists and turns down random roads, we finally stop outside a café, where Aunt Betsy is enjoying a nice, ice cold drink. Autumn is practically here but there is still enough of a warm breeze and sun to enjoy a nice cold drink outside in the lovely sunshine.
“You can go sit with Betsy while I park the car then I think we are going to this holistic place after a drink.” Caleb says. I turn to look at him, questions running through my mind. He sees my curiosity.
“Why don’t you ask the question most on your mind Amber?” He says. He looks at me with those gorgeous blue eyes and my breathing quickens.
“Um I was just wondering really why you are here. I mean you are always around whenever I am doing something with the tarot cards?” I ask a little nervous that he will tell me to mind my own business. After all it’s not like I actually know anything about him. He surprises me again by answering.
“My future will be determined by you and those cards. I have lived for the past three hundred and twenty two years trying to find you. I have no intention of missing anything when even the smallest of details can give me the hope I am so trying to keep alive. I finally see an end to the torment I have had to live through on a daily basis.” He confesses.
Listening to him talk about his past even though they were not any major detail, brought tears to my eyes and I feel sympathy for him that he has suffered in silence for over three hundred year. Lets’ face it who would actually believe him if he did pluck up the courage to tell someone about his unique circumstances? I place my right hand on his arm, startled he glances down at my hand resting on his grey jumper sleeve and looks back to my face.